Component Percentage Mapping to CLOs Description
Digital narrative 10% (CLO 2, 4, 6) Students will write a digital literacy narrative at the beginning of term. It should include the strategies they currently employ in their daily and academic lives for content creation, social interaction, data manipulation and analysis. This will make up a page on the student’s own course site. It will be revised both at midterm and at the end of the term and assessed for growth and reflection. No credit is given for the first version, 5% is allotted for the second version, and 5% for the final.
Participation 10% (CLO 1) Active participation and regular attendance are expected of all students. Between the course meetings, students may have to investigate a problem to learn how to do it themselves— taking initiative will be rewarded. In addition, we come to the course with different skills and helping out fellow students and fostering a collaborative spirit in the classroom will be rewarded. Participation will be assessed by the extent to which the students have prepared for in-class discussion. Any quick quizzes will be incorporated into this participation grade.
Assignments/Responses 75% (CLO 1, 4, 5, 6, 7) There will be four assignments in this course which grow out of hands-on work. They will be either reflective pieces on a conceptual issue that has arisen in class or a report or review about a project or experiment carried out; these assignments should incorporate lessons learned from the lab courses. These assignments can be done individually or in pairs, according to the directions. Students will learn how to create their own web presence through setting up a site of their own to host these assignments. The best three assignments will be counted (25% each).
Final presentation 5% (CLO 1, 3, 6, 7, 8) Over the course of the term, students will be exposed to project-based learning. Students will reflect on what they learned about human and non-human intelligence as well as any other part of the digital arts and humanities. This exercise draws on “big picture” thinking and will require reflective analysis and contextualization. Only 3 slides are allowed. Full instructions for this assignment will be provided


In the S25 semester, I will be using the following cutoffs. It may be necessary to lower them slightly in the final stages of grading for holistic evaluation.

grade range grade range grade range grade range grade range
A 100-93 A- 92-90 B+ 89-87 B 86-83 B- 82-80
C+ 79-77 C 76-73 C- 72-70 D 70-60 F 60 or below


There are three kinds of Midterm Progress reports you may receive in this course: “strong”, “satisfactory” and “concerns about progress.” Absences are counted after the drop/add deadline.

Strong progress means that you have consistently participated in classroom discussions and activities; you have completed the preparation for the class; you have submitted all assignments on time; and you have not missed more than 2 classes. To receive a strong progress, you should have submitted work that meets the highest standards in the rubric.

Satisfactory progress means that you participated in classroom discussions and activities; you have submitted all assignments, but perhaps were late; and you have missed up 3-4 classes. Your submitted work has not been in the highest standards.

Concerns about progress means that you have unevenly participated in classroom discussions and activities; you have not kept up in submitting assignments or have been late in doing so. You have missed more than 4 classes, even if these have excuses. Your submitted work has been evaluated as less than satisfactory.

Note on coursework submission: Final portfolios are individual even though final projects may be group-based. As with all course material submission, the student will use the web-publishing platform of their choice, most likely Github Pages. A selection of these will be introduced in Lab 1 and skills in web publishing will be introduced in the lab sessions over the course of the semester). Examples of such sites will be provided to guide students. When group-based, it can be hosted in a single location and linked to, but each individual student must make a short write up about their own contribution.

Note on Group work: any group work should be described according to the various contributions. Students can refer to a breakdown of contributions such as in the principles of the Contributor Roles Typology

There is no final paper in this course, nor is there an exam. Instead, students build a digital course portfolio along the way, consisting of a research website, a final plan for a research project relevant to their own intellectual interests.