Assignment 1 Working with a Corpus S25
Final Guidelines for the Assignment: The Corpus Assignment, otherwise known as Assignment 1, will be completed in one step. It builds on work we did in the ...
Final Guidelines for the Assignment: The Corpus Assignment, otherwise known as Assignment 1, will be completed in one step. It builds on work we did in the ...
Being More Sustainable in DAAH: THIS IS A DRAFT POST GREEN TIP: If you would like to be more sustainable about your use of computing resources, you can ...
Guidelines for the Disclosure of Generative AI: THIS IS A DRAFT POST We will be interacting with different forms of generative AI (genAI) throughout the se...
Customizing your Github Pages site: Knowing how to create and customize such a “static site” is an important skill in minimal and sustainable digital art...
Guidelines for the Lab: Today in lab one of the things we will be doing is to create your own site at GitHub Pages in which you post all of your coursework,...
Guidelines for the Assignment: The Digital Literacy Narrative is a progressive assignment in three steps, which will be completed over the course of the sem...
Guidelines for the Assignment: The Digital Literacy Narrative is a progressive assignment in three steps, which will be completed over the course of the sem...
Final portfolio Instructions The final portfolio is made up of two parts: a summary slide that presents what you did for one of your assignments this semest...
Exploring DOT According to the developer, DOT will work with an Apple Silicon chip (M1 or higher) or with a Windows machine. It is not currently supported f...
Guidelines for the Assignment: The Spatial Data Assignment is an assignment in one step. It builds upon the work we did in class on October 17th, with a ref...
Guidelines for the Assignment: In this assignment we will continue to work with materials and algorithms discussed in class. We will use Orange Data Mining ...
Sample Rubrics for Introduction to Digital Arts and Humanities Assignments Missing: no assignment done within the time allotted. Unsatisfactory: some writ...
Guidelines for the Assignment: The Corpus Assignment, otherwise known as Assignment 2, will be completed in one step. It builds on work we did in the textua...
Guidelines for the Post Based on an Extra Credit Event: Sometimes I will assign an optional extra credit opportunity. It will usually be in the form of an e...
Guidelines for the Assignment: Cultural Heritage By the Numbers is an assignment in one step. It builds upon the work we did in class on February 6 and 8 us...
Guidelines for the Assignment: The Digital Literacy Narrative is a progressive assignment in three steps, which will be completed over the course of the sem...
Guidelines for the Lab: Today in lab one of the things we will be doing is to create your own site at GitHub Pages in which you post all of your coursework,...
Final portfolio Instructions The final portfolio is made up of two parts: a summary slide that presents what you did for one of your assignments this semest...
Guidelines for the Assignment: In this assignment we will continue to work with materials and algorithms discussed in class. We will use Orange Data Mining ...
Guidelines for the Assignment: The Spatial Data Assignment is an assignment in one step. It builds upon the work we did in class on October 17th, with a ref...
Guidelines for the Assignment: This version of the assignment is for the Fall 2023 semester. The Digital Literacy Narrative is a progressive assignment...
Guidelines for the Lab: Today in lab one of the things we will be doing is to create your own site at GitHub Pages in which you will do your coursework. Cre...
Note that this is a previous semester’s assignment. Guidelines for the Assignment: The Corpus Assignment, otherwise known as Assignment 2, will be complete...
Guidelines for the Assignment: The DLME Metadata Assignment is an assignment in one step. It builds upon the work we did in class on February 7th. This ass...
Guidelines for the Assignment: The DLME Metadata Assignment is an assignment in one step. It builds upon the work we did in class on February 7th. This ass...
Guidelines for the Assignment: The Cultural Heritage By the Numbers is an assignment in one step. It builds upon the work we did in class on September 12 an...
Guidelines for the Assignment: Note: This version is a previous assignment. Make sure you look for the semester you are enrolled in. The Digital Litera...
Note that this is a previous semester’s assignment. Guidelines for the Assignment: The Corpus Assignment, otherwise known as Assignment 2, will be complete...