Materials S25
There are required books in this course. It is an e-book. In addition to this ebook, the course site will have links to e-book excerpts or other open, online materials and tutorials of interest.
There will be installation of some software and/or signups in online platforms in order to complete the exercises for the hands-on labs. Students will be provided with tutorials for such installation.
Required e-book:
- Drucker, The Digital Humanities Coursebook (Routledge, 2021).
Optional Background reading:
- Arnold/Tilton, Distant Viewing: Computational Exploration of Digital Images (MIT, 2023).
- Bavaj et al, Doing Spatial History (Routledge, 2021).
- Bardiot, Performing Arts and Digital Humanities: From Traces to Data (ISTE/Wiley, 2021)
- Berry/Fagerjord, Digital Humanities: Knowledge Critique in a Digital Age (Polity, 2017).
- Bodenhamer et al, Making Deep Maps (Routledge, 2022).
- Booth/Posner, Varieties of Digital Humanities, PMLA 135.1(Jan 2020).
- Burdick et al. Digital_Humanities (MIT, 2014) open access download here.
- Du Preez, Voices from the South: Digital Arts and Humanities (Aosis, 2018).
- Eve, The Digital Humanities and Literary Studies (Oxford, 2022).
- Fiormonte/Chaudhuri/Ricaurte, Global Debates in the Digital Humanities, (Minnesota, 2022).
- Gold & Klein, Debates in the Digital Humanities (Minnesota) 2012, 2016, 2019, 2023.
- Gómez, Digital Arts (Brill, 2019).
- Kokensparger, Guide to Programming for the Digital Humanities : Lessons for Introductory Python (Springer, 2018).
- Nieves, McGrail & Senier, People, Practice, Power : Digital Humanities Outside the Center (Minnesota, 2021)
- O’Sullivan, The Bloomsbury Handbook of the Digital Humanities (Bloomsbury, 2022).
- Price/Siemens, Literary Studies in the Digital Age (MLA, 2019).
- Risam, New Digital Worlds: Postcolonial Digital Humanities (Northwestern, 2019).
- Rockwell and Sinclair, Hermeneutica : Computer-Assisted Interpretation in the Humanities (MIT, 2016).
- Salmi, What is Digital History? (Polity, 2021)
- Schwan & Thomson, The Palgrave handbook of digital and public humanities (Palgrave, 2023).
- Schreibman/Siemens/Unsworth, A New Companion to Digital Humanities (Wiley Blackwell, 2016).
- Travis/van Lünen, The Digital Arts and Humanities (Springer, 2019).
- Travis, Abstract Machine: Humanities GIS (ESRI, 2015).
- Wernimont/Losh, Bodies of Information: Digital Humanities and Intersectional Feminism (Minnesota, 2018).
A reference guide for Digital Arts and Humanities has been prepared by the NYUAD library. An (amateurish!) Stream channel exists with some tutorials specific to DAAH.
Supplementary learning materials available on the web:
- The Programming Historian
- Dariah Campus
- Humanities Data Fundamentals
- Mattingly, Introduction to Python for Humanists
- Arnold & Tilton, Humanities Data in R 2nd edition.
- Walsh, Introduction to Cultural Analytics and Python